Unlocking Employee Motivation: Understanding Work Incentives

Considering the high rate with which employees leave their jobs to go remote, work incentives are a good way to keep needed staff satisfied and working. Work incentives are schemes to help employees improve and feel that their extra effort is duly noted and well appreciated. These schemes are given out to employees for being excellent, going the extra mile, and doing one thing or the other, giving them an edge over their fellows. 

These incentives could be awards to the best staff, best team player, or even the most punctual staff. Incentives could also be cash gifts such as financial support, grants, scholarships or free trips. Work incentives are a great way to keep employees motivated and willing to do more. It also keeps employees working longer with the company. The goal is majorly to promote great work ethics and increase productivity. 

Employee incentive ideas

There are several employee incentive ideas that companies can use to motivate their employees, which range from:

  1. Cash gifts: this includes pay raises, bonuses, and financial aid. 
  2. Non-monetary rewards include rewards with no real financial attachments like time off, leave, or vacation days off.  
  3. Development schemes like training, paid advance courses, mentorship programs.
  4. Free healthcare: enrolling deserving employees in free healthcare is another good way to motivate them. This would especially come in handy for those with some health challenges. Footing their bills goes a long way beyond encouraging them. It shows you care about their well-being. 
  5. Recognition awards: certificates are also non-monetary incentives to motivate your staff. 

Incentive plan

A thriving company or company looking to do better must have an incentive plan laid out. This plan is a draft from feedback gotten either from staff working within or outside the company. 

The survey should focus on team playing, best performing staff, respectful staff, and other core values the company holds dear. The plan will then serve as a template to reward employees better. 

Incentive plan examples

Several incentive plan examples can be implemented depending on the organization’s core values. Examples are:

  • Performance-based incentives for individuals: 

This type of plan rewards individual employees based on their personal performance and commitment to the organization. For example, a salesperson might receive a commission for every product they sell. This makes for good Incentive plans for employees in that unit.

  • Team player performance-based incentives: 

This type of plan rewards a group of employees for achieving specific goals as a team. For example, a group of customer service representatives might receive a bonus if they can resolve a certain number of customer complaints within a given time frame.

  • Company-wide performance-based incentives:

This type of plan rewards all employees based on their overall performance as evaluated by the company. For example, an organization might offer a bonus to all employees if the company meets its financial goals for the year to show appreciation to its devoted staff.

  • Non-monetary incentives: 

Not every incentive has to involve money. Non-monetary incentives can still be effective in motivating employees. Examples include time off, additional vacation days, flexible work schedules, or company-wide events.

  • Service or milestone incentives: 

These are the rewards gifted to employees for reaching a specific service milestone, such as meeting their monthly targets or something as simple as completing a certain number of years with the company.


Employee incentive program

Companies need to have an employee incentive program in place for their staff so they can perform better. The incentive program is a laid template by companies to encourage employees to meet or exceed specific sales targets, meet customer service goals, or improve other key performance indicators. The following are employee incentive program examples:

  • Sales commissions: This incentive program ensures that sales staff get a reward in the form of a commission for a meeting or exceeding specific sales targets.
  • Profit sharing: Under a profit-sharing program, a portion of the company’s profits are distributed to employees as a bonus.
  • The employee of the month: This program recognizes and rewards employees who go above and beyond in their work.
  • Recognition and rewards program: This program rewards employees for demonstrating certain behaviors or values important to the company, such as teamwork, punctuality, or customer service.
  • Employee referral program: This program rewards employees for referring job candidates who the company eventually hires.
  • Performance-based bonuses: They are bonuses the company gives to employees who meet or exceed specific performance goals.
  • Employee wellness program: This program rewards employees for engaging in healthy behaviors, such as exercising regularly or eating a healthy diet.

Incentive ideas for employees

Companies that develop their employees are the real deal because, besides helping the staff, they are helping their company grow. There are ways to develop your employees. This can be through training them to learn a skill, enrolling them in courses, and paying for an advanced course. 

For companies in event planning and management, getting your staff trained to be effective helps them and the company too. This is a win-win plan for everyone. Smart Work Event Agency provides the best event planning management. 

Event Planning Skills

Event planning is the process of organizing and coordinating events, such as conferences, festivals, and weddings. It involves various tasks, including selecting a venue, arranging transportation, coordinating catering and entertainment, and managing budgets. Enrolling your staff in Event planning skills is a great incentive plan. This skill hones employee communication and organizational skills and the ability to problem-solve and adapt to changing circumstances.

Event Management Skills

This is another great tool to hand over to staff who do great in the management team. Event managers may work with a team of professionals, including vendors and contractors, to ensure that every aspect of the event runs smoothly. This skill requires strong communication and organizational skills are essential for success in event management, as well as the ability to problem-solve and adapt to changing circumstances. 

Event Coordinator Skills

Event coordinators organize and coordinate events, such as conferences, festivals, and weddings. Staff with event coordinator skills can be further trained to be better. For a company into event planning and management, this skill is something you want your employee to excel at. 


Ultimately, the best employee incentive idea depends on the purpose for which the company is giving this motivation. It may also be helpful to have a survey passed around for employees to fill out and you get the feedback. This will help guide the company to make meaningful decisions and create the most appealing incentives. 

What to expect from MWC 2023


A day is not enough to celebrate Mobile companies and the numerous milestones they’ve achieved. Communication from across the globe is possible because of mobile companies. Like every sector, mobile communications have a world day where everyone in that sector comes together. This world business day for mobile communications is tagged; Mobile World Congress. MWC is an annually organized tradeshow by the GSM Association and held in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, at the Fira de Barcelona Gran Via. For MWC, world day isn’t a day but a whole week. The event, which holds in the first quarter of the year, from late February to early March, is attended by business owners in the communication sectors, both manufacturers and service providers. This gathering brings together companies and professionals worldwide to showcase the latest products and technologies in the mobile industry. The event also features keynote speeches, panel discussions, exhibitions, demos, and networking events. 

Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

In the 2022 MWC in Barcelona, attention was on 5G on ways of harnessing it for the world economy. The aim was to make sure 5G reaches not less than a billion users before the year rounds up. This year, MWC Barcelona 2023 is happening in February and running through March. Speech and panel discussions will center around 5G, Artificial Intelligence, and cybersecurity.

Already for the year 2023, the mobile world congress for 2023 is to hold as usual in February. The MWC Barcelona 2023 starts today Monday, 27th February 2023, and through Thursday, 2nd March 2023. 

The Metaverse of MWC in Barcelona

Despite it happening in the middle of an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, technological companies would be coming forward with their latest discovery. The Metaverse is certain to center on future technology, and we can look at the emergence of strong AI.

 The question on everyone’s mind as to whether the future is really here. Well, this we will know at the MWC 23. While some may wonder about the hype about this gathering, only the noise is worth it. This convergence of technology companies has been in time past and will always be something to look forward to.

Why the mobile world congress is essential

No doubt, the benefit of MWC must be considered. This gathering opens the floor to a variety of ideas and innovations. It is an opportunity to:

  • Network and have operators mingle and interact:

    The MWC experience is something everyone who has attended doesn’t want to miss. MWC gathers the most influential and experienced in the technological field with their innovative ideas and latest ground-breaking offers. 

There is also room for visitors as over 100,000 visitors would be attending, telecom regulators, data protection authorities, senior representatives of international companies, and over 8,000 industry CEOs – all gathering to contribute their expertise in the field and engage on important policy and regulatory topics. 

Mobile World Congress attendees can increase their company’s visibility, as over 3,600 press and media representatives will cover the MWC23.

  • Tackle global mobile connectivity issues:

    MWC hosts over 1050 experts from more than 150 countries to headline conferences and informative sessions on all aspects of connecting communities, machines, and industries of tomorrow. 

This makes this event a must-go, as it is a time to take your technology business to the next level. 

  • Talk about the future of technology:

     The five-day MWC at Fira Gran Via features an array of conferences, programs, and workshops vital for Mobile World Congress attendees and startups to introduce their products to the market and get funding or investors. 

The exhibition has a multi-industrial approach to solving global connectivity issues. As such, it is a must-attend, especially for middle and upper-management visitors who want to make a real impact in the digital world.

  • Provide room for the launch of great technological inventions:

MWC provides the springboard for great innovations to be birth. 


The Future of Mobile Technology

Mobile technology has become an integral part of modern life, allowing people to connect and communicate with each other, access information and entertainment, and conduct business anytime and anywhere. MWC Barcelona will unite over 800 operators from varying companies, 100,000+ visitors, and 3000+ exhibitors. MWC23 Metaverse will focus on discussing the future of technology from what ideas will come to the open. 

Evolution of Tech companies

Many tech companies operate in a variety of industries, including hardware, software, internet services, and e-commerce. Some well-known tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google keep developing innovative ideas that leave the world in awe. The move for machines to take over basic operations appears to be happening soon rather than later. Since tech companies keep developing innovative products and services, one wonders what new ideas they already have brewing for MWC in Barcelona.

Where will Mobile World Congress 2023 hold?

This noble event will hold at the Fira Barcelona – Gran Via. This is an organization that operates several trade fairs and events in the city of Barcelona, Spain. Fira Barcelona hosts many events, including trade fairs, congresses, conferences, and exhibitions. 

Fira Barcelona’s events include the much-spoken-about Mobile World Congress, the Barcelona Motor Show, and the Barcelona International Motorcycle Show.

MWC in Barcelona is a wildly celebrated occasion in the technological world for the great impacts that happen when the higher-ups in the field meet. When these great minds meet, one expects nothing but an unraveling of tomorrow’s technology today. Already, business owners are booking their slots for congress. 

Smart Work Event Agency provides you with relevant information about the congress and the necessary arrangements to be there. 

Sport event and Tourism Management

Planning a sporting event and tourism is not something to be taken lightly, as sports enthusiasts have high expectations when it comes to this kind of event. They expect nothing lesser than what they get. Many sports enthusiasts are drawn to the athletic event planning part of the event. This also goes for tourists who, before the event, know what to expect and look forward to. Because sport event and tourism management are closely knitted, many tourists are drawn to a destination specifically because of an ongoing sporting event holding there. This can have a huge economic impact on the local area, as tourists spend money on accommodation, transportation, food, and other expenses. Thus, sport event and tourism management go hand in hand as tourists look forward to athletic events during their tours and most sports enthusiasts are adventurous too. There are many aspects to managing a sport and event tourism perspective, including;


Template for Sports event planning

Sports event planning requires a concise way of doing things. Using a laid-out template and checklist brings a professional touch to the event. However, this doesn’t have to be the only thing that happens at the event. You can chip in other fun activities. The sports event planning checklist template helps. But the host can spice things up to soothe their taste. Some sports event planning templates include: laying out the sole aim of the gathering. Yes, it is a sporting and tourism event, but what is the end game? Deciding this will help you adequately plan and prepare for your guests. It will help you choose the audience category to send out invites to. Also, choose the best location to match your layout. Then you can proceed to others areas like logistics, bookings, medical, and necessary security measures.


Sport event and Tourism Management : Entertainment

Like every event, sporting and tourism event is incomplete without fun. Thoroughly plan the event activities and be detailed, especially since these guests are adventure lovers. A high level of entertainment is looked forward to. Providing tourists with a wide range of exciting activities such as historical sightseeing, sporting activities such as climbing, and cultural events will keep your show running. This is why essential care goes in to Sports entertainment event management

The company must be able to properly see the show running in a way that satisfies their clients. Several elements come to play in sporting entertainment. And Sports event and tourism management involve coordinating all of these different elements to ensure that the event is a success and that tourists have a positive experience while visiting the destination. Here is where having a sports event plan comes in handy.

  • Sports event planning

Athletic event planning involves organizing and coordinating all aspects of a sporting event, from the logistics of setting up the venue to managing ticket sales and promotion. Athletic event planning takes deliberate involvement of some fun with energy sipped into it. Like tourists, sports enthusiasts are super excited at their events. The elements that make for a successful sports event are:

  • Conference sessions

Scheduling a conference session during a sport and tourism is another expected part of the planning. However, it is not an easy task as there are different factors to consider, but with some pointers here should do better with the planning. Coming up with a list of conference ideas is the first step to surmounting this hurdle. Conference ideas that could make planning sport event easy include the theme used, invited speakers to grace the occasion, and the topics the speakers would be addressing. Once these are taken care of, you can be sure other factors, such as logistics and marketing, will fall in line.

An Event Sponsorship Guide


How to make conferences more interactive

A sporting event should have everyone talking even after the show is over. This is one aspect of planning that shouldn’t be ignored. Making the conference exciting and more interactive depends on the speakers, the theme and the topics to be covered, and the fun activities. These are the basic needs of your event. However, there are other ways to get your guests to engage and be free to air their minds. Below are fun things to do at a conference.

  • Breakout session:

break out session is a great way to make sports enthusiasts and tourists unwind. It could also be an opportunity to mingle, network, and generally have a stretch. This session needs to be timely, to come in when the guests are beginning to lose interest in the event, which is why it shouldn’t be scheduled to come up at a specific time. It can happen anytime you deem it fit that the event is becoming a little boring.

  • Game time:

there is no time that games don’t change the atmosphere unless the games are not well planned out. Game times get people to loosen up and can be a fun thing to do at a conference.

  • Challenge:

when your guests are bored, throw a challenge. Nothing motivates people more than having to compete meaning for something worthwhile. You can take it a top-notch higher by going techy on them. It could be interactive polls or questions on trending topics online.


Conference types in a sports and tourism event

Not every sporting event is aimed solely at having fun. Some sporting and tourism events are mostly for business first, then the fun part later. Some tourism centers organize for business partners and investors to tour their sites and invest. This isn’t only for fun but also targeted at sealing a business deal.


Business conference

A business conference of professionals in a particular sector, gathered to network, learn, and make business contacts to discuss trends and issues. Business conferences can be focused on a specific topic or generally, covering a range of topics in the industry.

Business conferences holds in a variety of formats, such as in-person events, virtual; conferences, or hybrid events that combine in-person events, virtual conferences,

Though business conferences are formal, they can also be exciting. This is done by having sessions in between the meeting.


How to make a session interactive

Business conferences can be more interactive by:

  • Ensuring participants mingle:

when people interact, there is a lightened mood. Everyone gets to know who and is freer to engage.

  • Giving room for networking:

no businessman ignores a time to network. With this slot into the order of the day, you can be sure to get your guests well-engaged.

  • Playing some business game

It also can be handy to make the atmosphere lively.

You can do better by making informed decisions in any event you are planning, offline and onsite. Make a checklist, and follow templates of companies with great feedback in such an event. Help could be from using laid-out templates online or getting agencies to plan your event. Smart Work Event Agency is one company you can get quality information and templates from.


A sports event coordinator or planner is a professional whose job is to ensure that their clients receive the attention and coaching they need to compete at their best in a certain game, sporting event, or competition.

In other words, a sports event planner oversees the successful planning and organizing of a successful sports event.

Athletes who participate on the field or the court may win medals but may not achieve recognition on their own.

However, the efforts of various specialists working behind the scenes, including athletes’ coaches, legal experts, and marketers, help massive sporting events capture the attention of international audiences.

Their role is to arrange the complicated processes that make spectacular events possible. It has some of the most critical positions in today’s sports organizations.


The responsibilities of the event manager and event coordinator are two separate but connected positions.

A manager is in charge of large-picture issues, including scheduling, procuring a location, and satisfying community requirements.

A coordinator’s job entails overseeing logistics and managing vendor relationships, among other things.

A single manager will handle all these parts for a minor event. Still, for a larger project, they could be distributed to numerous coordinators under the direction of a manager.

The primary objective of this role is to make it easy for their customers to concentrate on competing in sports events and winning without having to worry about the business side of sports.

They also help in planning sports tournaments, athletic event planning, and many other sports event management jobs.

Academic institutions, amateur and professional leagues, sporting goods corporations, and sports marketing agencies are among the places where a sports events coordinator can work.



Sports event coordinators conduct various tasks to ensure that the events they oversee go off without a hitch. In the sports event planning checklist template, every coordinator must include some of these responsibilities, which are also in the job description.

  1. Drawing together a sports event planning template
  2. Bringing together a sports event and a tourism management committee.
  3. Assuring and providing proper security during an event’s whole procedure
  4. Observe and check the complete sporting facility to ensure everything is in working order.
  5. Appropriate ticket sales and marketing management by ensuring that tickets are easily available.
  6. Working with the organizing committee to arrange accommodation and transportation for guests and clients.
  7. Make sure that the sports entertainment event management has a committee.
  8. Assigning various tasks to various members of the organizing committee to ensure that all responsibilities are fulfilled, and everything works smoothly.
  9. Taking on the different challenges related to the business side of sports while ensuring that clients concentrate on active participation and winning the sporting events or competitions.
  10. Making sufficient preparations or laying a firm basis for an athletic event to begin.


How to choose the best types of sponsorships



Professionals in sports event management that flourish and advance have a solid understanding of what makes an event effective as well as the ability to fix problems as they emerge. 

They consider more significant issues, such as governing bodies’ impact and local concerns.

These professionals use their in-depth knowledge of sports management and leadership principles to create effective methods for engaging fans, achieving their client’s objectives, and increasing ticket sales.

  • Some of the skills required are:
  • Excellent communication skills allow a sports event organizer to communicate clearly and effectively with clients, organizing committee members, and/or fans or guests.
  • Excellent interpersonal talent for establishing and maintaining healthy client connections improves or nurtures positive results in sporting activities.
  • A bachelor’s degree in marketing, sports management, law, or a similar discipline is required.
  • Organizational and self-management abilities and composure entail the capacity to remain calm and composed when coordinating several activities, even under duress.
  • Several years of relevant work experience or an internship
  • Ability to get along with others and work well as a team member
  • A thorough understanding of the commercial side of sports is required.
  • Good time management abilities include correct planning and timely execution of plans to increase the chance of achieving established goals or objectives.
  • Sports event planners must have strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills when an emergency occurs to come up with creative solutions. Being detail-oriented, a team player, and possessing leadership qualities are vital. 



To produce exceptional experiences, sports event planners must balance the needs of sports governing bodies, athletes, attendees, and communities.

This career path could be a perfect option to get engaged in sports management for professionals who are clever strategists, convincing communicators, and passionate about the excitement of competition.

Suppose you are having a hard time finding a suitable sports event coordinator. In that case, we are always available to hire you for the best.

8 of the Best Summer Trips to Europe


COVID-19 in 2020 meant the end of plans for summer trips to Europe. However, with the crisis receding, people once again have the opportunity to go on a Europe summer vacation.

What makes Europe the most popular continent in the world for foreign travelers is the variety it offers. From the stunning lights and romance of Paris to the immersive history of Dubrovnik, there are endless possibilities while on a summer vacation in Europe.

That said, what are the best summer destinations in Europe? Here are some recommendations!

Why Should You Visit Europe in Summer?


Before we list where to go, let’s cover why Europe in the summertime is truly a wonderful time of year to visit. 

Europe is a year-round continent, with vacationers flocking to this continent throughout the seasons. One can unlock the magic of the Old World at any month and any time. Summer in Europe, however, is remarkable. It features warm weather, a multitude of cultural events, and the longer days allow visitors to experience even more of their destination. 

For those planning a summer vacation in Europe, rest assured incredible memories will be made! 

Whether you are someone who wants to enjoy a simple sabbatical or a remote worker looking to become a fully-fledged digital nomad, let’s take a look at some of the top destinations to visit right now.

Best European Destinations for Summer


Discovering the places to visit in Europe in summer can make that next trip the adventure of a lifetime. Of course, figuring out where to go is half the fun. Here are the best places to visit in Europe in August.

1. Dubrovnik, Croatia


It was the famous English poet Lord Byron who once called Dubrovnik the Pearl of the Adriatic. This UNESCO World Heritage site is popular throughout the year, but it is glorious during the summer months.

Destination Highlights


What makes Dubrovnik so unique is the walls towering above crystal blue waters gently lapping at the foundations. Spend some time strolling along the walls and enjoy postcard view after postcard view.

Or why not combine it with a Game of Thrones tour? After all, Dubrovnik was the setting for King’s Landing. Stroll around the city and take in the 15th century Rector’s Palace, enjoy a coffee at Panorama, or just aimlessly wander the cobbled streets.

If you’re in town between July 10th and August 25th, attend the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, which includes film screenings, music concerts, and theater productions.

Who Will Love Dubrovnik?


If you’re looking for one of the best European cities to visit in summer, or you just love history, Dubrovnik is the place for you.

2. Mostar, Bosnia, and Herzegovina


Mostar has grown into a must-see stop on most backpacking summer trips to Europe. This lesser-known gem is less than three hours north of Dubrovnik.

Destination Highlights


Stretching along the Neretva River, the incredible Stari Most bridge is the highlight here. This Ottoman-style bridge connects the beautiful old town, consisting of the traditional Turkish style Bazaar.

We also recommend a trip to Poctitelj, a walled city only 30km away. While not a place to spend your whole trip, Mostar truly is a wonder to behold.

Who Will Love Mostar?


Anyone who loves architecture must pay a visit to Mostar. It’s also a great place to indulge in traditional Balkan food.

3. Amsterdam, Netherlands


Become one of the 20 million annual foreign visitors to the Dutch capital. This is one of the best European cities to visit in summer and is especially popular among young people in Northern Europe.

Destination Highlights


Amsterdam has two sides to it. Spend some time in its world-class museums, such as the Van Gogh Museum, Rijksmuseum, and Anne Frank House, before partying the night away as Rembrandtplein comes to life.

There are also canal tours and music festivals in Amsterdam. Plus, it’s the only place in Europe where visitors can enjoy legal marijuana.

For everything the Netherlands has to offer wrapped in one city, spend a summer in Europe in Amsterdam.

Who Will Love Amsterdam?


Culture bugs, party people, and anyone who wants to see some utterly unique architecture will love it here. This is most definitely a destination for everyone.

4. London, UK


Perhaps one of the gloomiest cities in Europe, London weather is known for being awful. However, London can be the picture of summer—sunny skies included—during the summer months. (Keep in mind, it will probably be gloomy a bit, but that’s part of London’s charm!) 

Destination Highlights


What more could you say about the British capital?

Here, visitors have access to some of the world’s best-known sites, including the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Hampton Court (just outside the city), and the Tower of London. Also, take the time to visit the Portobello Road Market and Camden Market.

Or why not sample the world-beating museums, such as the British Museum and the Imperial War Museum?

Spend evenings in a traditional English pub or splurge on a show at one of the many famous theaters in the West End.

And all that is only scratching the surface of what this city has to offer!

Who Will Love London?


Everybody! London is truly one of the world’s greatest cities with something to suit every taste.

London weather is always unpredictable, but it is one of the best summer vacations in Europe because most days are clear and sunny during summer, especially in August. Finally, many locals leave London in summer, so it is not as crowded as one may think.

5. Prague, Czech Republic


Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires, welcomes eight million visitors every year. Be one of them as you explore a city brimming with history and beauty.

Destination Highlights


From the unique Charles Bridge to Prague Castle towering above the city, our advice is to walk these streets to get an authentic taste of Prague. 

Visit the St. Vitus Cathedral, soak up the atmosphere in the Old Town Square, and enjoy a cruise down the Vltava River.

At night, get ready for Prague’s legendary nightlife, or if you’re feeling cultural, why not enjoy a medieval dining experience?

Who Will Love Prague?


Prague is another city that has something to offer everyone. From incredible architecture to a memorable nightlife experience, this is a perfect destination for both families and the lone traveler.

6. Paris, France


Paris, France, may seem like a surprise on a list of the best summer destinations in Europe, but it shouldn’t be. This epicenter of culture, gastronomy, and art is a “must-see” on anyone’s list.

Destination Highlights


Paris is one of the world’s leading cities. From the art and culture of the Louvre, Moulin Rouge, and the Musee d’Orsay to the architectural marvels of the Cathedrale Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower, Paris is a city that would take a lifetime to explore.

Most locals leave the city in summer, leaving it for visitors to enjoy. This leads to fewer crowds, which is always a nice bonus. Furthermore, there are plenty of ways to cool off in Paris. Why not a Seine River cruise to refresh the senses?

Paris is unmatched in its mastery. As such, it’s undoubtedly one of the top summer trips to Europe.

Who Will Love Paris?


Everyone will fall in love with the City of Light. There is something for all travelers to enjoy here, as long as one can handle the summer heat!

7. Barcelona, Spain


Combine the best of city life and a beach destination this summer with a trip to Spain’s second city of Barcelona. The Catalonian capital offers vibrant architecture, rambunctious nightlife, and an epic coastline.

Destination Highlights


Discover the incredible masterpieces of Antoni Gaudi during a trip to Barcelona. From Park Güell to the La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona is an architect’s dream.

Stroll along Las Ramblas from the Placa de Catalunya to Christopher Columbus’ monument at Port Vell. Chill out at the city’s beach, which sees sunbathing during the day and beach parties at night.

Sample some of the best tapas in the whole of Spain or grab tickets to a Barcelona FC game at Camp Nou.

Who Will Love Barcelona?


Barcelona is the place to go for those searching for a more laidback vacation this summer in Europe. From fabulous architecture to lazy days by the Mediterranean, the Catalonian capital has it all. The best part is it rarely gets above 30 degrees celsius, even in August.

8. Galway, Ireland


Looking to escape the crowds in the best summer destinations in Europe? Pay a trip to the rugged western coasts of the Emerald Isle.

Destination Highlights


Galway is Ireland’s hub of traditional culture. Enjoy historical pubs with incredible live music in the evenings, along with some of the best food this side of Dublin.

Whereas most people head to Dublin, a visit to Galway allows you to escape the crowds. With lower summer temperatures upon the high Cliffs of Moher, Galway is the perfect location to explore rural Ireland.

Pop over to Dublin for a day trip, with trains to the capital taking less than two hours.

Witness some rare great weather and see the Emerald Isle at its most spectacular in Galway. 

Who Will Love Galway?


Anyone looking for something different this summer in Europe will fall in love with Galway. Universally known as a hotspot of Irish culture, escape the crowds and indulge in this quaint little Irish town.

Ready, Set, Go! 


When planning a trip to Europe this summer, there have many destinations to choose from. Europe will not disappoint for digital nomads who want a great place to work as they move or for those simply looking for a relaxing vacation.

As a premier Destination management company, SmartWorks can help organizations plan meetings, conferences, and more all across Europe. Contact us today to get started! 

How to Travel to Europe Safety

Travelling to Europe is on many people’s bucket lists. And for good reason! After all, this vacation destination is home to over 40 countries, each with its own distinct culture and charm.  

But is it dangerous to travel to Europe? Below we examine travel to Europe, safety precautions, and how to stay protected on a trip here. 


How Safe is Europe?

Europe has always been a popular travel destination because it’s a continent that offers a little bit of everything. Likewise, safety in Europe largely depends on the country in question.

With regards to COVID-19, infection rates vary heavily from country to country. As of spring 2021, countries like France, Germany, and Italy have experienced spiraling COVID-19 cases, with the prevalence of the Delta variant being responsible for much of these spikes.

Despite that, the European Union’s (EU) stuttering vaccination program has gathered steam and the nations of Europe now enjoy some of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

Many countries across the continent are quickly reopening in time for the summer season, with vaccines remaining highly effective against hospitalization and death across all existing variants.

While COVID-19 is the biggest issue for safety traveling in Europe, the other issues facing travellers are local lockdowns, travel bans for certain nationalities, and outright border closures.


Is it Dangerous traveling to Europe?

In general, Europe is the safest continent in the world to visit. Across all metrics, such as petty theft, violent crime, and terrorism, Europe performs well. So, is Europe safe?

Absolutely. For those unused to world travel, Europe is one of the easiest destinations to start in.

With so much to offer, it is no surprise that travelers are desperate to flock to the old continent.

Although recent years have seen some high-profile terrorist attacks, which have made some travelers think twice, vacationers need to remember the old saying, “If it bleeds, it leads.”

Mass media coverage has vastly exaggerated the danger posed by terrorist attacks. In terms of crime rates alone, Europe is infinitely safer than any major U.S. city.


What are the Safest European Countries? 

If safety is a major consideration, it is important to note that there are considerable differences in crime rates between countries. Generally, lower crime rates are to be found in the regions of Northern and Western Europe.

However, despite this, it does not make travel to Eastern Europe unsafe. The vast majority of visits are trouble-free.

Here are the safest European countries to visit in 2021.


1. Georgia

On the fringes of Europe, Georgia is a country with one of the lowest COVID-19 rates in the whole of Europe. Through immediate action, Georgia was able to keep infection rates at an extremely low level.

When compared to countries like the UK and Italy, Georgia has reported 260 times fewer cases. With Georgia reopening to tourists and the chance for most nationalities to claim a 365-day tourist visa when they land, this is one of the best places for remote workers.

With a low cost of living, solid Internet speeds, and an intriguing culture, Georgia is by far one of the best options for travel to Europe safely.


2. Greece 

Greece is another country that has performed spectacularly well during the pandemic. They enjoy a COVID-19 rate 50 times less than the worst-affected countries in Europe. The Greek healthcare system has never come close to being overwhelmed by patients.

For maximum safety in Europe, consider visiting the Greek islands of Kos and Corfu. The country has opened just in time for summer, with no testing requirements for fully vaccinated travelers.

While there are plenty of incidences of scams and petty theft in the capital Athens, the country enjoys great weather, low crime rates, and one of the world’s oldest cultures.

If one is looking for a safe destination, the Cradle of Democracy could be the perfect place to spend the summer.


3. Portugal

Although Portugal has suffered throughout the pandemic, the country remains a magnet for tourists from all over the world.

With a high level of English proficiency and a low cost of living, intrepid remote workers can enjoy a summer of sea, sun, and relaxation.

While COVID-19 rates in Portugal are a concern, with the Delta variant ripping through the country, there are safe destinations to visit. In particular, the Azores island chain and Madeira are largely COVID-19 free.

For the more budget-conscious traveler, consider avoiding the capital Lisbon and the Algarve region during the summer months.


4. Romania

Romania has grown quickly in popularity as a destination for remote workers in recent years. From the bustling capital of Bucharest to the green valleys of Maramures in the north, there’s something on offer for everybody.

COVID-19 rates have steadily ebbed away across the country, with high levels of overall vaccination.

When it comes to safety while traveling in Europe, Romania is known for its commitment to sustainable tourism and environmentally friendly practices. While there are crime hotspots in the country, foreign visitors are unlikely to encounter any issues.

Along with its low cost of living, Romania offers visitors an exciting culture, delicious cuisine, and a young, Bohemian population.


5. Montenegro 

If the idea of spectacular mountains, the azure waters of the Adriatic Sea, and Venetian architecture are appealing, Montenegro is an incredible country to visit.

Since the breakup of Yugoslavia, Montenegro has established itself as a tourism powerhouse within the Balkans. Although it can be more expensive in the summer, this is still an incredible year-round destination.

Kotor and Budva on the Adriatic coastline are some of the most popular destinations. The coastal destinations are incredibly safe, with a large police presence and an infrastructure dedicated to serving tourists.

Like its neighbor Serbia, Montenegro has kept rates of COVID-19 low and quickly rolled out its vaccination program.

Finally, since Montenegro is not part of the EU or Schengen Zone, stays in Montenegro do not count towards the 90-day tourist visa limit.


Safety Tips for Traveling to Europe

Although travel to Europe safety levels are high, it is still important to be aware of some of the threats posed to travelers. Nothing can ruin a trip like a stolen phone or lost luggage.

Here is what you need to know about safety in Europe.


Take Out Comprehensive Travel Insurance 

Comprehensive travel insurance is a “must” when it comes to ensuring safety while traveling in Europe. Any good travel insurance policy should cover medical care in the event hospital treatment is required.


Be Aware of Common Scams

The biggest threat to visitors is getting ripped off. Popular tourist destinations are rife with scams. Thankfully, the majority of these scams are easy to spot.

Some of the most common scams aimed at visitors include:

  • Fake Petitions – Popular in locations like France and Italy, the scammer presents a fake petition. When the unsuspecting traveler signs the petition, someone else is pickpocketing them from behind.
  • Bracelet Scam – A friendly local offers a friendship bracelet for free. After the bracelet is around the person’s arm, they will then demand a “donation.”
  • Street Games – These games often involve trying to find a stone or shell beneath three cups. Crowds gather around and wager money on the outcome. Of course, the crowd are just accomplices, and so the tourist usually ends up losing out.
  • The Helpful Local – In this scam, a helpful local attempts to take the visitor to a certain shop or bar. This could involve paying an overpriced bill or being hassled into buying something unwanted.
  • The “Found” Ring – The visitor sees a gold ring on the ground and picks it up. A local claims it is theirs and offers to sell it at a cheap price. The tourist takes the deal, only to realize later that the ring is worthless.

There are plenty of scams. Most of them involve distracting the unsuspecting traveler long enough to pickpocket them.

Always remain vigilant to avoid being ripped off.


Know Where to Go

Tourists who unwittingly wander into bad neighborhoods are ripe for getting ripped off. Professional con artists target tourists who look like they have no idea where they are going.

Always plan routes in advance. Even travelers who are lost should keep their shoulders back and their chins high to project confidence.

Never appear vulnerable when walking the streets, especially in larger cities.

Additional Safety in Europe Travel Tips 

  • Refrain from walking around with electronic devices.
  • Avoid walking in unfamiliar areas at night.
  • Be wary of accepting unsolicited help.
  • Know the location and number of the nearest embassy.
  • Look around when withdrawing money from ATMs.
  • Wear a money belt to prevent pickpocketing.
  • Stay vigilant when handing over large bills.



Is Europe safe?

Yes. In fact, Europe is one of the safest travel destinations in the world. Anyone that plans a vacation to this continent will not be disappointed. 

Hosting an event in Europe is also attractive for many people. For those who’d like to help planning their next event, contact SmartWorks. As a premier destination management company, we can plan and manage every element of an event to ensure it’s an absolute success.  

When is the Best Time to Visit Europe?


Europe is the most popular continent in the world for tourists as it offers a little bit of everything. With over 44 countries located in Europe, exploring a variety of engaging cultures, beautiful landscapes, and historical sites is easy to do. However, when is the best time to go to Europe

There’s really no bad time to visit Europe. In fact, the best time to travel to Europe depends entirely on personal preference. There are pros and cons to each time of year.

For most people, the best time to travel Europe is between June and September, which covers the European summer. Tourism explodes during this period because great weather is practically guaranteed.

Of course, some travelers cannot take the heat of a Mediterranean summer, or maybe keeping costs down is a priority, which means this may not be the best time of year to travel to Europe for them.

It largely depends on your goals and priorities.

Either way, Europe is such a special place because every season has something to offer. 

What is the Best Month to Travel to Europe?


For most people, traveling as close to summer without hitting July and August are the best times to travel to Europe.

Between June and September, traveling to Europe at the end of this period offers the ideal compromise between good weather, lower costs, and smaller crowds.

Some would argue that a European spring and autumn are the best times to travel, but this depends on the area of Europe one plans to visit.

The Mediterranean and Balkan regions tend to offer some of the most spectacular scenery throughout the spring and autumn months. In contrast, Northern Europe tends to lurch between gorgeous weather to perpetual gloom from day to day.

Should You Avoid Visiting in July and August?


Some travelers mistakenly discount the possibility of traveling throughout July and August, but there are some advantages to it.

Residing in popular day trip locations, such as Toledo in Spain and Pisa in Italy, can offer a quiet, serene atmosphere in the evenings. Also, visiting the major capitals of Europe during summer can be a great idea.

For example, Paris tends to empty during July and August as people head off to the countryside. The same goes for London, England, Berlin, Germany, and Madrid, Spain.

These quieter locations may come with some great deals on accommodation during the summer months, so it is wise to completely avoid writing off summer travel.

When is the Best Time of Year to Travel to Europe?


Truthfully, every part of the continent offers a “best month to visit Europe.” Despite being the smallest continent in the world, there is a tremendous amount of variation across the continent. This leaves a huge amount of choice.

For example, many visitors to Europe prefer to avoid places like Italy and Spain in August due to the searing temperatures.

On the other hand, visiting Scandinavia and the UK during August is undoubtedly the best time to visit because it’s the one time of year travelers can rely on the weather.

When planning any trip to Europe, consider making a list of places to visit and plan a schedule around that.

Europe Travelling Tips for Each Season


Determining the best month to travel to Europe depends largely on where you want to go. Every season has something to offer. As a result, Never discount any part of the year when it comes to planning a trip to Europe.

In this section, we examine the best months to visit Europe and the top destinations for visitors throughout the year.

Shoulder Seasons


Visiting Europe in spring or autumn? These are the months of April through to mid-June and September/October.

This is the best time to visit Europe for many people because travelers get to enjoy the benefits of peak and off-season travel in one. Great weather, long daylight hours, and smaller crowds are just some of the advantages of shoulder season travel.

Here are some top tips for where to travel in Europe throughout the shoulder seasons:

  • Destination Variance – Remember that shoulder season will see varying temperatures across different parts of Europe. Shoulder season in Italy, Spain, and Greece will still be hot and bring larger crowds, whereas Northern Europe tends to be quieter.
  • Hiking – Some of the best hiking opportunities appear during the shoulder seasons. The Alps, for example, should be visited during early fall to avoid the crowds and chaotic weather patterns.
  • The Best Colors – Shoulder seasons bring out the best colors in Europe. From tulips in the Netherlands to gorgeous autumn colors in the Loire Valley, France, shoulder season is the best time to enjoy an explosion of color.
  • Pack Light – While rainfall is lower in much of Europe, cold snaps are not unheard of. Pack light, but always keep a small windbreaker/raincoat within easy reach.
  • Farmer’s Markets – Food and drink lovers should visit during the shoulder seasons. From famous farmer’s markets in Bucharest, Romania, to the wine festivals of Tuscany, Italy, this is the best time to visit Europe.

Top Destinations for the European Shoulder Season


  • Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Tuscany, Italy
  • Bruges, Belgium
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Lesvos, Greece
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Zdiar, Slovakia
  • Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Bucharest, Romania



Summer sees millions of visitors descending upon the continent. As discussed earlier, never discount the potential for visiting Europe in summer. There are lots of things to see, and the weather is excellent.

The European summer tends to range from the second half of June to the beginning of September.

Here’s what you need to know about traveling Europe throughout the summer months:

  • Book in Advance – Prices peak in all popular destinations throughout the summer. Shopping around and booking in advance is key to keeping costs down.
  • Temperature Tolerance – Travelers who are unable to handle the hottest temperatures should avoid Southern Europe. Thousands of elderly people die annually from high temperatures.
  • Check Out Northern Europe – Scandinavia, the UK, and Ireland are all great places to visit during the summer. It’s typically the only time of year visitors can guarantee sunshine in these regions.
  • Keep Crowd Control in Mind – Places like Florence, Italy, Salzburg, Austria, and Dubrovnik, Croatia are hellishly packed during the day but can be quieter during the evening hours. Planning trips with crowd control in mind is key to avoiding the hordes of tourists.
  • Visit the Big Cities – Traditionally, the major cities of Europe tend to get quieter during the summer season. If avoiding the crowds is a priority, consider a summer trip to Paris or Rome.

Top Destinations for the European Summer Season


  • Bern, Switzerland
  • Kotor, Montenegro
  • Ischia, Italy
  • Riga, Latvia
  • Seville, Spain
  • Bergen, Norway
  • Helsinki, Finland
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Reykjavik, Iceland



Figuring out when is the best time to travel to Europe is never easy. While most travelers tend to avoid the colder European winters, there is always something magical about this time of year.

Most people classify the European winter as ranging from November to March, but there are regional variations.

In the runup to Christmas, Europe has a huge amount to offer. Follow these tips for a winter trip across the continent:

  • Pack for the Weather – Avoid getting caught out by underestimating how low temperatures can go, particularly if visiting Eastern Europe. Layering clothing is a great idea.
  • Get Great Deals on Accommodation – Shop around during winter. With many towns going quiet, accommodation providers often lower their prices to attract a limited clientele. Get even bigger deals by holing up for a month or two in a favorite destination.
  • Visit Southern Europe – Travelers who skipped Southern Europe during summer have a perfect opportunity to visit these legendary tourist destinations without the immense crowds.
  • Plan for Less Daylight – Daylight hours are much shorter during the winter. Plan any excursions around these limited hours of daylight.
  • Be Prepared for Closures – Many attractions close down between November and March or operate reduced opening hours. Research before planning any visits.

Top Destinations for the European Winter Season


  • Krakow, Poland
  • Munich, Germany
  • Tallinn, Estonia
  • St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Lucerne, Switzerland
  • Venice, Italy
  • Bath, England
  • Strasbourg, France



Deciding on the best time to visit Europe is less about selecting the right month and more about figuring out the right places to go. Ultimately, decide on where to visit and what you want to experience, then plan the travel dates accordingly. 

Europe truly has something to offer everyone. 

If hosting an event, conference, or meeting in Europe sounds appealing, contact SmartWorks. As a leading destination management company and virtual event company, we have the expertise needed to host successful events for a variety of industries. From corporate event planning to convention planning and gala dinners, we can do it all. We also excel at AV production and can provide virtual access for any event we plan.

Contact us today to get started! 

The Cocktail: When and How to Hold a Cocktail

Are you thinking about holding a cocktail? Do you have doubts about whether what you have chosen is right? Or are you afraid of not up to scratch,  among your assistants?

If so, from SmartWorks we will offer you guidelines to make your cocktel a success.

It is usually a “standing” act where many people circulate freely and are related amon them.

There may be a small pre-presentation or conference before going to the cocktail party. Hosts should receive their guests at the front door and stay until most of them have arrived.

The most used time is in the middle of the afternoon. But we can also find ourselves this type of act at noon.

The setting chosen for the cocktail, usually are the halls of a hotel or a restaurant, although in the summer season can be done in gardens and outdoor spaces.

For the service you can opt for two options, the first, hire waiters to circulate serving and offering food and drink and the second, put one table for drinks and another for food.

As well as for the discards, you can choose to have the waiters pick it up or put other table. The food should be presented in small portions to take them in a single bite.

From SmartWorks we tell you that it is better to put the tables in the background and away from the access points so that people do not stay at the beginning of the place. At SmartWorks we place a lot of importance on the comfort of guests so it is very important to correctly calculate the number of guests and the space of the place. The approximate duration of a cocktail should be one hour, although depending on its magnitude and the number of guests, it could be extended. Therefore, if you want your event to be a success, do not hesitate to contact us.

Special Venues to Celebrate Your Event or Wedding

Choosing the perfect venue for your event can be either the easiest task for those with a clear vision or the most challenging aspect of event planning. Regardless, the location is undeniably the most crucial factor in ensuring the success of any event. It’s essential not to compromise on the exhaustive search for the ideal place to make your event a resounding success.

For those not familiar with the event industry, the myriad of venue options can be overwhelming, making it challenging to know where to begin the search. This is where SmartWorks steps in. With our extensive experience and proven track record, we excel in finding the location that best suits your needs, presenting you with endless special options you may not have considered for hosting your event. This aligns perfectly with our slogan: “If you can dream it, we can do it.”

Here are some remarkable venue options that we can explore to make your event extraordinary:



There’s nothing quite like a castle to make your guests feel truly special. Ideal for events that are intertwined with history and culture.
castillo jalpi


Palaces and manor houses, once the venues for grand events and festivals, provide a unique backdrop for your event. Celebrating in such historic settings allows you and your guests to travel back in time.


Celebrate your event surrounded by works of art in museums, often located in important historical buildings in city centers. Perfect for events connected with art and culture.
Huawei Event Gala Dinner


Convents and monasteries, often large historic buildings a bit outside the city center, offer an ideal setting for any event.
buffet set up at monasterio


Estates, haciendas, or villas, surrounded by beautiful gardens, are popular choices for events and weddings. This option provides a serene space away from the city’s hustle and bustle.
Nadales venue


Old greenhouses with iron structures and glass, adorned with domes and majestic designs, have been repurposed for magical events instead of growing flowers and plants.
buffet floral set up


Wineries, surrounded by vineyards, offer a unique atmosphere and architectural charm. The inner galleries are suitable for intimate events.
winery cellar view


Many contemporary hotels were once significant historic buildings, making them valuable options for events due to their architecture, design, or location.
luxury hotelpalace venue entranceWedding venue








Ideal for events in Andalusia, these patios are globally unique for their distinctive architecture and design.

palace buffet






luxury palace venue









As you ponder your options, consider where you would like to celebrate your event. SmartWorks is here to turn your dream venue into a reality, ensuring that your event becomes an unforgettable experience for you and your guests. Contact us to embark on a journey of selecting the perfect venue for your upcoming event.

Hostesses: The Key in Your Events

Are you organizing an event soon? Before deciding what you are going to use, keep in mind at all times the product you are going to communicate, the profile of the customer to which it is directed and the purpose of the event. For example, whether it is the launch of a new product or a business conference.

In an event everything counts and that’s why every element is important. Besides choosing the place, catering, entertainment, among other things, you can not forget something so essential in every event: the hostesses.

It is always positive to have the presence of hostesses because besides providing an image to the act, they are indispensable for your guests. When the attendants arrive, the stewardess is the person in charge to receive them as they deserve, to show them the entrance to the venue and to guide them at all times.

They can even have the control and follow-up of attendees to the event and see if attendance expectations have been met or not. Actually, if any of your guests needs something during the celebration, they will always look for a stewardess to go to. Having your presence means offering a better service to your guests.

The presence of hostesses at an event will make your celebration win in elegance and good deed. The hostesses transmit image, that is why it is very important to choose the clothes they are going to use, think that the more according to your brand and your identity much better because it will improve your brand image.

When the event comes to an end and you have to dismiss the guests and give them some details of the event in question, the hostesses will be responsible for all of this. The hostesses are the first thing they see on arrival and the last, hence their importance and the need to carry out a select process of selecting the most suitable ones.

Do not hesitate and hire hostesses with our destination management company and virtual event company to achieve your event to success.