
Everything You Need To Know About Events Lighting

May 17, 2022

The importance of lighting in event setup can not be undermined. It gives depth and ambiance to your events. Apart from that, lighting also brings elements such as slide show presentation, seating, and sound.

Also, event uplighting helps set the mood. For instance, there are certain lighting that can evoke a certain emotional response from people. Thereby, giving the audience a quality experience in an event.

Almost all kinds of events require lighting. There are certain lights that are used for outdoor events. Shortly, we will walk you through everything you need to know about even lighting. But before we get started, here is the element of event lighting.

Elements of Event Lighting

There are four elements of event lighting. Here we will highlight and briefly explain each of them.


The first element is mood. It helps in the creation and enhancement of an appropriate atmosphere. But this you can do, you have to be able to determine the scene you would like for an event.

Although, nothing can be compared to natural light. However, working with lighting technology will take your event to the next level.


Lighting illuminates everything that revolves around an event. From performers to the speaker to the facilitators, lighting illuminates everything. It also engages the audience and facilitates the big picture.

Overall Composition

The element helps you strike a balance in the surroundings. This is done with the use of different color lighting to hold attention or emotions.


Have you ever been to an event and noticed that the light follows an object or the performer everywhere they do? Well, that explains the next element of the lighting event.

Focus stimulates the audience to focus their attention on a certain thing without any hassle. The lighting can be projected on the wall, the sponsor, the company’s logo, practically anything.

Event Lighting Tips and Tricks

Now that we have that covered. We walk you through the event lighting tips and tricks for outdoor and indoor events.

Indoor Events

There’s no limit to what you can do with indoor lighting for events. These events allow you to get creative as much as you want depending on the space and your budget. With that said, here are some lighting tips for indoor events.

  • Are you planning on using real candles to create the right ambiance? Then you might need to check with the venue first. Chances are they have a stringent policy on open flames in closed places.
  • Still on the venue. It is paramount to visit the venue before D-day, preferably at the exact time your event will take place. That way, you will be able to access the lighting and determine how much daylight will penetrate the venue.
  • Lastly, get a recommendation from the venue manager on the lighting companies. That will help hire the right lighting company. Apart from that, it is ideal to get a recommendation from those that have utilized their lighting requirements) equipment in the past.

Outdoor Event Lighting

When it comes to lights for events, outdoor events require thinking outside the box. And that is because of the level of lighting exposure. However, you have nothing to worry about as long as you follow the following tips:

  • Make use of stocked-up LEDS candles for nighttime. Place anywhere you would normally place regular wax candles.
  • Consult the venue manager about their power source before you decide on a venue for an outdone event.
  • Utilizing battery-powered or solar-powered comes with a lot of perks. But it wouldn’t hurt to have extra batteries.

Also, ensure that your test the solar before the event commences. That way, you will be able to determine the brightness of the lighting.

8 Lighting Design Ideas You Should Know About

Here, we will be looking at some of the lighting ideas you can explore. Let’s get down to it. Shall we?

Placing Pin Light Around the Table Centerpiece

The first lighting idea is great for indoor events. Also, the light idea is great for day or night events and venues without windows.

When you include this idea into your lighting scheme, it will enhance the ambiance you have for the event. Not just that, it will also highlight the design detail of the elaborate centerpiece. Placing pin light around the table centerpiece will also create a high-end layered outlook for your event lighting design.

The  Combination of LED lights for events: Washes, GOBOs, and Moving Lights

In cases when you have limited space preventing you from exploring different lighting options, trying out these combos will make a lot of difference indeed. How so?

To start with, the winning combination will entertain the guests, captivate their attention, and help set the tone for your event.

Utilize Event Spotlight Fabric Curtains and Drapings

To cast a glow for your event, utilize a multipurpose LED event lighting as a spotlight accent lamp or UV bar. But if you have limited space and you don’t have the option to pin them on the wall, you can easily use a pin light to secure the curtain rod. Also, moving spotlights could be a fantastic option if you are looking for the full attention of the attendees.

Display Event Names, Sponsor Logo, and Hashtag With Lighting Stencil

This lighting idea will help your guests get familiar with the event without asking questions. It will also help create awareness for your sponsor and anything you like to put out there will be your platform. With that said, you can either create your own stencil or hire a lighting company that provides gobo projection.

Outdoor Lighting Strands and Naked, Oversized Bulbs

Firstly, you should decide on glass bulbs because they are stylish and brighter compared to other options. Also, while hanging them, make sure you start from the plug end. That way, you won’t pull them far away beyond the outlet.

For Dark Corners or Spaces, Make Use of Vintage Lanterns

When you include vintage lanterns, it adds character to all those nooks and crannies that are often overlooked in an event. You can get vintage lanterns in a thrift store or opt for premade ones.  But if you don’t have the luxury of finding a vintage lantern, you can easily learn how to make antique lanterns online.

Colorful Projections that Blend With the Presentation Stage

Light-colored or reflective surfaces and colored projections might go hand-in-hand. But you can get a more creative outcome with cool effects by blending colorful projections with the presentation stage.

Pillar Candles in Tall Hurricane to Light Pathways

The lighting design idea is similar to the aforementioned vintage lanterns mentioned above. However, it works best for outdoor events when the weather is quite good. The lighting idea also works with indoor events only if your guests have help to navigate to and fro the venue.

Hire SmartWorks for Your Events

By now, I believe your knowledge on event lighting has increased. But the truth is when you have little or knowledge on event management planning, you might not be able to utilize all these event lighting design ideas. There is a lot that goes into planning events. But what if I tell you that for a price,  you don’t have to worry about all that?

When you hire a reputable event planning agency like SmartWorks, you don’t have to stress over anything. They will take care of everything for you, starting with logistics, entertainment, security, venue selection to lighting.