
10 Networking Mixer Ideas for your Tech Conferences

July 17, 2023

Networking Mixer Ideas for Tech Conferences

A successful conference or event is measured by the experience it created.

Whether it’s a physical or virtual event, you need some activities to help attendees bond effectively. This will aid networking and help your attendees make meaningful connections. Have some tricks up your sleeve to promote conversation and networking.

Here are some networking mixer ideas to help create fun and interaction for your audience.

  1. Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts top the list of our tech conference networking ideas. It is a suitable game for creating connections at both virtual and in-person events. A scavenger hunt is relatively easy to set up. Simply break the audience into teams, scatter cues and see who collects all first.

You can also do a photo scavenger hunt or use QR codes to provide clues. Ensure that the ideas and prompts of the game suit your participant’s preference, event theme, or space.

  1. Candy Bar Meet Up

Here is another one of those top tech conferences that will help you break the large group into smaller random groups. As the name suggests, everyone gets a candy bar but can’t eat it yet. Make them pick a bar from a bag without looking. Later in the meeting, ask them to find their fellow candy bars. Call persons with the same candy bars together into a group. Then, introduce another game to help them interact with each other.

  1. Badge Design

For large technical conferences, this is one huge deal. Badges are essential as they provide information about each person wearing them. These may include names, companies, expertise and so on. You can be creative by ensuring that different industries represented at the event have a unique color. This will help like-minded people find themselves faster. Also, ensure the information is visible, easy to read and optimal.

  1. Speed Networking

This game is similar to speed dating and can be effective in large and small technology conferences.Divide the group into 2 or 3 people. Then, set up 5-minute stations and choose a random topic for them to discuss. You will realize that even after the activity is over, the attendees can continue interacting.

  1. Extra Info Name Tag

This is similar to the badge design idea. Aside from basic information, you can have attendees include exciting things about themselves. It could be their pet’s name, first car, best colour, favourite food, etc. Then, you can have the guests mingle to discuss the exciting information. Also, you can place a price for anyone who can reveal one detail about the most random guests.

  1. My First Job

Are you looking for creative networking event ideas that help the recruitment process? This game is one of them. It is a get-to-know-you activity that is most suitable for small groups. At a round table, everyone writes what they did as their first job on a small piece of paper. Then, place them face down on the table. Have a volunteer try to guess whom these jobs fit and place the card in front of the person.

After this, the participants go around to share whether the volunteer got it right or not. At the end of the activity, prospects can be revealed for specific job roles for employers present. There will also be further interactions among guests as they share more insights into their first job.

  1. One-Word Descriptions

You should also consider one-word descriptions if you are an event planner searching for conference networking ideas. Share the group into about 5 to 10 smaller groups. Then, participants state their first impression of another attendee in one word. These responses will spark a variety of discussions and conversations among your guests.

  1. Never Have I Ever?

Here is another one of the best tech conferences networking games to help attendees loosen up. Group the participants and offer them placards with “I have” and “I have never” statements. Then the emcee says, “Never have I ever played football” (for instance), and participants lift their placards to agree or disagree. Make sure you give room for them to explain the stories behind their responses.

  1. Virtual Happy Hour

Now, this networking idea is perfect for virtual tech conferences. Recreate a face-to-face bar in an online space. This get-together experience will be perfect if you organise a small event. Make the attendees grab a glass or mug of their favourite drink and interact in the virtual space.

  1. Sports Activities

Go out of the box to host technical conferences at a sports game. The cheers for a team will bring professionals and experts together. They will be able to build lasting relationships and discuss strategies that can work for their business space.

Hopefully, you were able to find the best idea to make your event one of the biggest tech conferences for perfect networking.

On the contrary, consider consulting Smart Work Agency for more support and ideas to loosen up the air in your virtual conference.